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Travel to San Andres in April or May

Escape to San Andres in March or April from 1,534,040, 5 days, 4 nights, including flights, lodging and meals*.

Your adventure starts here! Check out our accommodation offers

We help you to make your travel dreams come true and now you can book your accommodation in installments and without interest. Meet our national destinations such as La Guajira, Amazonas, Santa Marta, San Andres, Coveñas or Girardot.



Explore the best destinations, we have a variety of hotels in every corner of our country for you to enjoy an unforgettable vacation. Our facilities are designed to satisfy the needs of families, couples and friends.
Choose one of our hotels and start your vacation now !


Discover the most beautiful places in Colombia with On Vacation! Be amazed by the beauty and all the destinations we have for you. Our hotels are designed to provide you with comfort and exceptional service, ensuring that every moment of your visit will be memorable.

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